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accommodate to provide with meals or a place to sleep. [1/3 definitions]
antisleep combined form of sleep.
arise to get up from sitting or sleep. [1/3 definitions]
arouse to awaken (someone) from sleep. [1/2 definitions]
asleep in a state of sleep.
awake to come out of sleep; wake up. [2 definitions]
awaken to wake from sleep. [1/2 definitions]
awakening the act of waking up from sleep. [1/3 definitions]
bunk1 (informal) to sleep. [1/2 definitions]
bunkhouse a building in which many workers can sleep, as on a large farm or ranch.
cabin cruiser a power-driven boat with a cabin so equipped that passengers can wash, cook, and sleep on board.
call to awaken (one) from sleep. [1/22 definitions]
camp1 an outdoor area where tents or rough shelters are set up to live in or sleep in for a time. [1/5 definitions]
catnap a brief, light sleep; doze. [2 definitions]
circadian denoting or concerning behavioral or physiological activities that recur at about twenty-four-hour intervals, such as sleep rhythms.
crash1 (slang) to sleep. [1/17 definitions]
crib a bed with high sides all around for a baby or young child to sleep in.
crib death sudden infant death syndrome, the unexpected death of a seemingly healthy infant, usu. occurring within the first year of life, and usu. occurring in the infant's sleep.
delta wave a low-frequency electric brain wave present during deep sleep in normal adults; delta rhythm.
deprogram to convince of the error of recently acquired beliefs, esp. those of a religious cult, by coercive means such as kidnapping, deprivation of sleep, and long interrogation and argumentation.
dormant asleep, or in a state of rest that is similar to sleep. [1/2 definitions]