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dopey (informal) sleepy, sluggish, or dazed from or as if from the use of alcohol or drugs. [1/2 definitions]
drowsy nearly asleep; very sleepy.
narcotic a drug that causes a person to become sleepy or unconscious and that may be used as a medicine to dull pain or cause sleep. Narcotics can be dangerous when not used as a medicine and can become hard to give up.
sandman in folklore and fairy tales, a person who makes children sleepy by sprinkling sand in their eyes.
sleepyhead (informal) someone who is sleepy.
somnolent sleepy or drowsy. [1/2 definitions]
soporific sleepy or drowsy. [1/3 definitions]
tire1 to become weak or sleepy. [1/4 definitions]
tired needing sleep or rest; fatigued; sleepy. [1/3 definitions]
wide-awake not asleep or sleepy; completely awake. [1/2 definitions]