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aba a sleeveless outer garment made of this fabric. [1/2 definitions]
bodice a laced, sleeveless garment traditionally worn by some peasant women over a blouse. [1/2 definitions]
camisole a woman's sleeveless, waist-length undergarment.
cape1 a sleeveless, loose-fitting garment that fastens at the neck and hangs loosely from the shoulders.
chasuble a loose, sleeveless garment worn by a priest over other clothing during Mass.
doublet a snug jacket, sometimes sleeveless and sometimes having a short skirt, worn by men during the Renaissance. [1/4 definitions]
habergeon a short, high-necked, and usu. sleeveless coat of mail. [1/2 definitions]
jumper2 a sleeveless dress worn over a shirt or blouse. [1/4 definitions]
life jacket a life preserver in the form of a sleeveless vest or jacket; life vest.
mantelet a short sleeveless cloak or cape.
mantelletta a sleeveless vestment worn by Roman Catholic cardinals, bishops, and the like.
mantilla a short cape or sleeveless cloak. [1/2 definitions]
mantle a full, sleeveless cloak. [1/9 definitions]
pinafore (chiefly British) a sleeveless dress worn over a blouse or shirt; jumper. [1/2 definitions]
scapular a loose, sleeveless outer garment, sometimes with a cowl, that is worn by monks. [1/5 definitions]
slipover a piece of clothing that is put on by pulling it over the head, such as a sleeveless sweater; pullover.
tank top a sleeveless top for casual wear, similar to an undershirt but having wider straps.
undershirt a collarless and often sleeveless undergarment worn next to the skin on the upper body.
vest a waist-length, fitted, sleeveless, and usu. collarless garment, usu. worn over a shirt or blouse and often under a jacket; weskit. [3/8 definitions]
waistcoat a close-fitting, sleeveless, waist-length garment for women, usu. worn under a suit jacket. [3 definitions]