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acclivity a rising slope. (Cf. declivity.)
ascend to slant or slope upward. [1/5 definitions]
ascent a way leading up; upward slope. [1/2 definitions]
bank1 a slope, usu. of earth. [1/6 definitions]
berm a level ledge or strip at the top, bottom, or side of a slope, or along the back of a beach. [1/3 definitions]
brink the edge or brim of a slope or cliff. [1/2 definitions]
cable car an enclosed vehicle either on rails or hanging from a cable that is pulled back and forth by a moving cable. A cable car carries people up and down a steep slope or across a chasm.
cant2 a slanting line, edge, or surface, esp. one deviating from the horizontal or vertical; slope; incline. [1/5 definitions]
chairlift a line of chairs hanging from a moving cable, used to carry people up or down a mountain. A chairlift is used at a ski slope.
chute2 a steep or narrow slope, as for skiing or tobogganing.
climb to slope upward. [1/7 definitions]
continental shelf the edge of a continent that is below water. Just beyond the continental shelf lies a steep slope leading down to the ocean floor.
declination a movement, bend, or slope downward. [1/5 definitions]
decline to slope or slant downward. [3/4 definitions]
declivity a downward or descending slope. (Cf. acclivity.)
descend to incline downward; slope. [1/7 definitions]
dip to slope downward or seem to sink. [2/8 definitions]
downgrade a slope downward, as in a road. [1/5 definitions]
downhill a descending slope or incline. [1/5 definitions]
drop-off a sudden, sharp slope. [1/2 definitions]
escarpment a long steep slope or cliff at the edge of a plateau or fault line. [2 definitions]