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a bit somewhat; rather; to a small extent.
accordion a musical instrument with a keyboard that is small enough to carry. An accordion is played by pressing the keys and squeezing the bellows to force air through metal reeds.
achene a small, dry, hard seed that is attached at a single point and that does not split open when it is mature.
acinus one of the small divisions in an aggregate fruit such as a blackberry. [2 definitions]
adder2 a small, poisonous snake found in Europe and Asia.
additive a substance added to another substance in small amounts to change or improve it.
adhesive bandage a small piece of cloth or plastic with a sticky material on one side. You use an adhesive bandage to cover a wound and keep it clean.
adrenal gland either of two small glands of different shapes, located above the kidneys, that secrete adrenaline and various steroid hormones.
a drop in the bucket a small amount compared to what is needed.
a few a small number of things or people.
aftershock a small earthquake that follows a larger one. Aftershocks start at or near the same place where the first earthquake started. There are often several aftershocks after the first earthquake.
agrimony any of various related plants of the rose family that have compound feathery leaves and bear long clusters of small yellow flowers on spiky stalks, and a prickly fruit. [1/2 definitions]
air gun a gun that is operated by compressed air and usu. fires small pellets. [1/2 definitions]
air rifle a rifle operated by compressed air, used to fire small pellets or the like.
air taxi a small aircraft that carries passengers or cargo over short distances, esp. to places not served by regular airlines.
alewife1 a small fish, related to the herring and resembling the shad, found in North America in the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes.
alimentary canal the tube in the body through which food travels as it is digested. The alimentary canal goes from the mouth to the anus, and includes the esophagus, the stomach, and the small and large intestines.
a little a small amount of something. [3 definitions]
alligator a large reptile with short legs, a long body and tail, and a long, wide snout. Alligators are protected by thick skin with many hard bumps. They live in rivers, lakes, swamps, and other bodies of water in the southeast United States and in China. They usually eat insects, fish, turtles, snakes, birds, and other water animals, but have been known to attack small land mammals. They are closely related to crocodiles. Chinese alligators are endangered because their habitat is being changed by people.
almond a small tree related to the cherry tree that grows in warm areas and produces seeds that can be eaten. [1/3 definitions]
alveolar of or pertaining to small cavities such as the terminal air sacs of the lungs or the cells of a honeycomb. [1/4 definitions]