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absorb to take in or soak up. [1/2 definitions]
absorbent able to soak up liquid or moisture. [1/2 definitions]
blot to soak up or dry with something that absorbs liquid. [1/4 definitions]
blotter a piece of paper used to soak up ink or to protect a writing surface.
drench to soak, or wet completely.
headband a band worn around the head. Headbands are used to hold back the hair or to soak up wetness.
hose (usually followed by down) to water, spray, soak, or wash with a hose. [1/3 definitions]
marinade to soak in a flavored sauce; marinate. [1/2 definitions]
marinate to soak in a seasoned sauce; marinade.
presoak to soak (clothing or the like) before laundering. [1/3 definitions]
resoak combined form of soak.
ret to moisten or soak (flax or hemp) in water in order to separate the fibers.
saturate to fill or soak completely.
seethe to submerge in a liquid; soak; steep. [1/4 definitions]
sop to dip or soak in or as if in a liquid. [2/6 definitions]
souse to soak or steep in a liquid, esp. pickling brine. [1/7 definitions]
sponge an artificial material with many small holes that can soak up water easily. [2/5 definitions]
steep2 to soak in a liquid.
sweatshirt a knitted pullover shirt with long sleeves. Sweatshirts are often worn during exercise to soak up sweat.
water-soak to soak or saturate with water.