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acetabulum the cup-shaped socket of the hipbone into which the top of the thighbone fits. [1/2 definitions]
ball-and-socket joint a skeletal joint in which the ball-shaped end of a bone, often part of a limb, fits into and rotates quite freely within the hollow, spherical socket of another bone. [1/2 definitions]
ball joint a mechanical joint, often found in tools and machines, in which the ball-shaped end of a rod or pipe is fitted into a hollow socket, enabling the inserted part to rotate freely in any direction.
bayonet a pin protruding from an object such as a flashbulb or lens that secures that object to its socket. [1/3 definitions]
bolt1 a metal or wooden bar on a door that slides into a socket on the doorframe to secure the door in a closed position. [1/14 definitions]
condyle a rounded projection on the end of one bone that fits into a hollow at the facing end of the next bone, forming a ball-and-socket joint.
eyeball the part of the eye that is shaped like a ball. The eyeball sits in the eye socket.
gudgeon2 on a hinge, a socket into which the pin fits. [1/2 definitions]
hip joint the ball-and-socket joint consisting of the head of the femur and its receptacle in the pelvis.
lacrimal bone the thin membrane bone that forms the front part of the inner wall of each eye socket, near the tear glands.
socket to put into or supply with a socket. [1/3 definitions]
socket wrench a box wrench with a rounded socket that fits over a nut or bolt of a particular size and shape.
suborbital beneath the eye socket. (Cf. supraorbital.) [1/2 definitions]
supraorbital above the eye socket. (Cf. suborbital.)