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alkali metal any of a group of highly reactive chemical elements, such as sodium and potassium, that are typically univalent cations forming various compounds, but that can be isolated as soft, low-density metals.
amide an organic compound derived from ammonia, such as acetamide, or a metallic derivative, such as sodium amide.
amphibole any of a number of hydrous silicate minerals, such as hornblende, that mostly comprise various combinations of magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, and aluminum.
baking powder a powder containing sodium bicarbonate and an acidic substance, that serves as a leavening agent in baking by releasing carbon dioxide when mixed with water, thereby causing the dough to rise.
baking soda a white powder used as a leavening agent in baking, an antacid, a mouthwash, and a fire extinguisher; sodium bicarbonate.
bicarbonate of soda see "sodium bicarbonate" and "baking soda."
bittern2 a bitter solution of bromides, iodides, and other salts that remains after sodium chloride has been crystallized out of sea water or brine.
Castile soap a fine white hard unscented soap made of olive oil and sodium hydroxide.
caustic soda sodium hydroxide.
chemistry the science that studies the structures, functions, transformations, and interactions of basic elements, as, for example, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and sodium, as well as complex substances that combine basic elements. [1/4 definitions]
Chile saltpeter naturally occurring sodium nitrate, esp. as found in Chile and Peru.
chlorine a substance that is one of the chemical elements. It combines with sodium to form table salt. It is also used in making bleach. Chlorine is poisonous in its pure gas form. (symbol: Cl)
cryolite a white fluoride of sodium and aluminum, used in the production of aluminum.
cyanide a chemical compound that contains one carbon and one nitrogen atom together with another element such as potassium or sodium, both of which form extremely poisonous substances. [1/2 definitions]
feldspar any of a group of crystalline minerals that form the basic constituents of nearly all crystalline rocks, consisting usu. of silicates of aluminum, potassium, sodium, or calcium.
giant powder dynamite made of nitroglycerin, sulfur, sodium nitrate, rosin, and usu. kieselguhr, and used for blasting.
halite a mineral composed of sodium chloride; rock salt.
hydride an inorganic compound, such as sodium hydride, containing hydrogen and a second usu. electropositive element or group.
hypo1 sodium thiosulfate; hyposulfite.
iodine a solution of powdered iodine together with sodium iodide or potassium iodide in alcohol, used as an antiseptic; tincture of iodine. [1/2 definitions]
iodized salt ordinary table salt combined with a small amount of sodium or potassium iodide.