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brassie a wooden golf club with a brass-plated sole, used to hit long, low shots; a number two wood.
clog a shoe with a thick wooden sole. [1/3 definitions]
dermatoglyphics the patterns of skin ridges on the palm of the hand and sole of the foot. [1/2 definitions]
espadrille a sandal with a canvas upper and a sole of rubber or twisted fiber.
euro the sole currency unit of nineteen countries in the European Union and the currency used in a number of European countries that are not members of the Union. The euro was introduced in 1999, and, in countries that have adopted it, it replaces the type of money that was formerly used.
exclusive closing out all others from sharing or participating in; sole. [1/5 definitions]
flatfish a kind of fish that lives in salt water and has a flat body with both eyes on the top side. Sole, halibut, and flounder are flatfish.
half sole a sole for a shoe or boot that extends from the instep to the toe.
hotfoot a practical joke in which a match is secretly placed between the sole and upper of someone's shoe and is lit. [1/3 definitions]
ice skate a sturdy shoe or short boot with a sharp blade attached to the sole, used for skating on ice.
in-line skate a roller skate consisting of a boot with wheels attached in a single line down the middle of the sole.
insole the portion of a shoe that touches the bottom of the foot; inner sole. [1/2 definitions]
lone without others of its kind; sole; single. [1/3 definitions]
lotus position in yoga, a sitting position in which the legs are crossed and each foot, with the sole upturned, is placed on the opposite thigh.
lumbricalis one of four similar muscles in the sole of the foot. [1/2 definitions]
mimic octopus a type of brown octopus that lives along the shallow muddy bottoms of river mouths off the coast of Southeast Asia that has the capability of mimicking toxic species, such as sole, lionfish, and seasnake.
moccasin a soft leather shoe or slipper without a hard sole or a heel, made originally by American Indians. [2/3 definitions]
monarch a sole, often hereditary ruler such as a king, queen, or emperor. [1/2 definitions]
monopolize to get or keep sole control of; have for oneself alone; take over.
one sole; only. [1/11 definitions]
only solely; as the sole instance. [2/8 definitions]