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Dictionary Suite
aria a solo piece for voice with instrumental accompaniment, usu. sung in an opera. [1/2 definitions]
big band a large jazz or dance band, esp. one of the 1930s and 1940s in the U.S., that combines arranged ensemble playing with solo improvisations. [1/2 definitions]
cantor the synagogue official who chants in solo or leads the congregation in chanting prayers. [1/2 definitions]
concertize to give solo recitals and concerts, as a musician who tours, performing alone or as a guest artist.
concerto a piece of music for one or more solo instruments and an orchestra.
Dixieland an early style of small-group jazz, characterized by a strict two-beat rhythm and by improvised ensemble and solo playing. [1/2 definitions]
roulade an ornamentation of solo vocal music comprising a rapid run of notes sung to one syllable. [1/2 definitions]
solo to perform solo. [1/5 definitions]
soloist a person who performs a solo.
Solo man a type of early human known from fossil skull remains found in Java, esp. near the Solo River.
unaccompanied in music, solo or without accompaniment. [1/2 definitions]