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comfort to give relief from a painful or difficult situation; soothe. [1/3 definitions]
croon to soothe by singing or humming softly. [1/5 definitions]
demulcent an oily or sticky substance used esp. to soothe irritation in mucous membranes. [1/2 definitions]
hush to soothe or calm; eliminate (fears, distress, or the like). [1/6 definitions]
lull to calm, soothe, or cause to sleep, as by sounds, movements, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
lullaby to soothe or put to sleep by or as if by singing a lullaby. [1/2 definitions]
mollify to ease or soothe the anger or emotion of; make calmer; appease. [1/3 definitions]
narcotize to soothe or dull the senses of. [1/3 definitions]
salve an ointment used medicinally to heal or soothe sores and other wounds. [2/3 definitions]
sop something given to soothe, placate, win over, or bribe. [1/6 definitions]