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Dictionary Suite
anodyne relieving suffering; soothing. [1/4 definitions]
balm a soothing, healing ointment, often fragrant. [2/4 definitions]
balmy soft, mild, and soothing. [1/3 definitions]
bask to lie in or expose oneself to soothing warmth or atmosphere. [1/3 definitions]
berceuse a soothing song, as would be sung to an infant; lullaby.
demulcent soothing, as an ointment or the like. [1/2 definitions]
dreamy soothing; restful. [1/4 definitions]
dulcet having a pleasing or soothing quality. [1/2 definitions]
embrocation a healing or soothing liniment or lotion. [1/2 definitions]
emollient making soft; soothing, esp. to the skin. [1/2 definitions]
lenitive mitigating pain, discomfort, or distress; soothing. [1/2 definitions]
menthol an alcohol derived from peppermint oils or produced synthetically, used in scents and flavorings, in cigarettes, and esp. in medications for its soothing effect on irritated mucous membranes.
narcotic other substances or treatments having a similar soothing or numbing effect. [1/6 definitions]
paregoric a soothing medication. [2/3 definitions]
quiet soothing or restful. [1/14 definitions]
salve anything that has the effect of healing or soothing, such as a kind word or compliment. [1/3 definitions]
unction something soothing, as a balm or a comforting manner. [1/4 definitions]