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abscess a sore that forms within the tissues of the body and is filled with pus. Abscesses can be caused by an infection.
angry inflamed, as a skin sore or rash. [1/3 definitions]
bedsore a skin sore caused by the prolonged pressure of bedding, as in a long illness.
blain an inflamed swelling or sore on the skin.
boil2 a swollen, painful sore that is filled with pus. A boil is an infection caused by bacteria.
canker an ulcerous sore, esp. inside the mouth. [1/7 definitions]
chancre a hard ulcer or sore, esp. the first obvious lesion of syphilis.
chap1 of skin, to become cracked and sore from exposure or cold. [1/3 definitions]
common cold a common sickness that causes sneezing, sore throat, coughing, and a stuffy nose; cold.
cough drop a medication in the form of a small piece of hard candy, used for soothing a cough or sore throat.
embrocate to lubricate and rub (the body) with a liniment or lotion, as to relieve sore muscles; apply an embrocation.
fester an infected sore. [1/5 definitions]
fever blister a blister on the face or lips often accompanying a cold or fever; cold sore.
footsore having feet that are sore or tired from walking or marching.
gall2 to damage or make sore by rubbing or chafing. [3/5 definitions]
gastric ulcer an open sore in the stomach lining, caused by the corrosive action of gastric juice.
heating pad a pad containing insulated electric heating elements in a soft fabric covering, used to apply heat, as to a sore muscle.
hot spot an inflamed, itchy, oozing sore on the skin of an animal, esp. a dog. [1/4 definitions]
hot water bottle a soft container made of rubber that you fill with hot water. It is used to put heat on a sore or cold part of your body.
infectious mononucleosis a severe viral disease, usu. occurring in children and adolescents, that causes fever, swelling of the lymph nodes, sore throat, and an increase of white cells with a single nucleus in the bloodstream; glandular fever.
inflammation a small area of tissue that is hot, red, swollen, and sore because of infection or injury.