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barehanded without any sort of aid in hand, such as a weapon or tool. [1/2 definitions]
Devi the goddess of love, motherhood, and death, and the consort of Shiva. [1/2 definitions]
line of fire a position that is open to any sort of attack. [1/2 definitions]
parasitosis a disease caused by any sort of parasites.
queen the wife or consort of a king. [1/4 definitions]
selfish showing, resulting from, or characterized by this sort of egotistical concern. [1/2 definitions]
Shakti in Hinduism, divine power or creative energy, usu. venerated in the person of the female consort of Shiva.
sorta contraction of "sort of" used in some kinds of writing to reflect how the two words are often pronounced in rapid, informal speech (used as an adverb).
squeak (informal) an escape, usu. from some sort of danger (usu. prec. by "close," "narrow," or the like). [1/4 definitions]
stitchery any sort of needlework, or the art of producing it.