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animism the doctrine that the soul is the essential principle animating the universe. [1/3 definitions]
atman in Hinduism, the individual soul striving for enlightenment; breath of life. [2 definitions]
boogaloo a popular dance done to soul and rock 'n' roll music in the 1960s.
Caspar Milquetoast a timid, easily dominated character in the early twentieth-century comic strip The Timid Soul by H. T. Webster. [1/2 definitions]
creationism the theological doctrine that each human soul is created out of nothing for each individual born. [1/2 definitions]
disembody to take away or free (the soul or spirit) from the body.
dybbuk in Jewish folklore, the soul of a dead person that enters the body of a living person and controls his or her actions.
French kiss a kiss in which the partners' tongues enter each other's mouths; soul kiss.
Hinduism the main religion of India, which has many gods that are part of the same supreme being. Hinduism has a strict system of social classes and a belief that the soul can be born again after death into a different body.
Inner Light the guiding force of God that Quakers believe exists in every human soul.
inward into the mind, spirit, soul, or the like. [1/9 definitions]
Jainism a dualistic Hindu religion founded in India in the sixth century B.C., emphasizing asceticism, teaching transmigration of the soul, and regarding the worship of the gods as spiritually unimportant.
Last Judgment in Christianity, the end of the world and the judging of each individual soul by God.
metempsychosis the transmigration of the soul of a dead person or animal into the living body of another.
Mohandas Gandhi Indian spiritual and political leader and reformer, also known by the title Mahatma ("Great Soul") (b.1869--d.1948).
Neoplatonism a philosophical school and doctrine founded by Plotinus in the third century A.D. that asserts that all existence flows from a single source, with which the soul seeks to unite.
perdition the loss of the soul for eternity; damnation. [1/3 definitions]
predestination the belief that one's future, esp. the fate of one's soul, is already decreed by God and is unchangeable. [1/3 definitions]
psyche the human soul or spirit. [1/3 definitions]
psychic of or relating to the human mind or soul. [1/4 definitions]
purification the process of cleansing the soul and making one's spirit clean before one's god or gods. [1/2 definitions]