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able having special skill or talent. [1/2 definitions]
academy a private school or a school that offers special training.
account an arrangement with a store or other business wherein a customer is given certain advantages or access to special services, typically in return for the customer supplying certain information and, often, permitting various forms of advertising through mail, email, or other form of communication. [1/16 definitions]
acey-deucy a form of backgammon that assigns a special value to a throw of a one or a two.
agency a government department that works on special projects, provides specific services to the government, or makes sure laws and rules are obeyed. [1/3 definitions]
air chamber a compartment in which air is confined for a special use, as in a pump, a hydraulic fluid regulator, or a living organism.
alley2 a large, special playing marble that is often used as a shooter.
allowance a sum of money given regularly or allotted for special expenses. [2/3 definitions]
alphabet all the letters of a language that you use when you write it. We say or write an alphabet in a special order.
aristocracy a high-ranking social class, having special privileges and influence and usu. determined by heredity. [1/5 definitions]
attract to cause to come near, as by some special quality or action. [1/4 definitions]
award a prize given for a special achievement; honor. [1/2 definitions]
baby to treat with special care. [1/11 definitions]
badge a pin or small piece of cloth that people wear to show that they belong to a group, have a particular job, or have done something special.
ball handler a basketball player who is particularly skilled at dribbling and passing the ball, or any player of a sport who has special skill in handling the sport's ball. [1/2 definitions]
banquet such a dinner given in honor of a person, group, or special occasion. [1/4 definitions]
barbecue the food cooked in this way, often having a special sauce. [2/4 definitions]
beatification in the Roman Catholic Church, the process of determining whether a deceased person should be declared to be in heaven and therefore deserving of special honor, or the final decision and declaration that this is so. [1/2 definitions]
belt a region or area that is known for something or used for a special purpose. [1/3 definitions]
benefit of clergy formerly, a special privilege granted to members of the clergy, esp. that they be subject to ecclesiastical rather than secular courts. [1/2 definitions]
best one's finest clothing, usu. worn on special occasions. [1/11 definitions]