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air bladder an air-filled sac in various animals and plants, esp. such a structure located near the spine of certain fish that functions to maintain buoyancy by regulating hydrostatic pressure. (See swim bladder.)
back the backbone; spine. [1/10 definitions]
backbone the row of bones that runs along the center of the back; spine. [1/2 definitions]
buttock (usually plural) one of the two rounded parts of the human body at the base of the spine that are used to sit on.
chine a backbone, esp. of an animal; spine. [1/4 definitions]
ganglion any concentrated mass of nerve cells outside the brain or spine, serving as the source of nerve impulses. [1/2 definitions]
kidney one of a pair of organs in the body which remove water and waste products from the blood. The waste products go from the kidneys to the bladder in the form of urine. The kidneys are found high in the abdomen near the spine. [1/2 definitions]
loin the part of the body on either side of the spine between the ribs and the hip. [1/2 definitions]
lordosis the normal inward curvature of the cervical and lumbar regions of the spine. [2/3 definitions]
mud snake a bluish black burrowing snake of the southeastern United States, having a red belly and a nonpoisonous spine at the tip of the tail.
rachitis inflammation of the spine; rickets.
Rhodesian ridge-back a large, muscular breed of hunting dog developed in southern Africa that has a tan or tannish red coat and a ridge along the spine formed by the hairs growing forward rather than with the rest of the coat.
rib1 one of the set of bones that curve from the spine around the chest of a person or animal. [1/2 definitions]
spinal having to do with the spine or spinal cord.
spinal column the row of bones that runs along the center of the back; spine; backbone. The bones of the spinal column are called vertebrae. The spinal column protects the nerves in the spinal cord.
spinal cord the thick cord of nerve tissue inside the spine that runs from the base of the brain to the end of the spine.
spineless having no spine or backbone. [1/3 definitions]
spiny resembling a spine. [1/3 definitions]
stingray a broad, flat fish that has a long tail with a poisonous spine on it. Stingrays are a kind of ray. Their tails can cause severe wounds.
swayback an excessive or abnormal inward or downward curvature of the spine, as in some horses. [2 definitions]
tap2 the surgical drawing of bodily fluid, as from the spine. [1/9 definitions]