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Andromeda an autumn constellation in the northern sky, located between Perseus and Pegasus, with which it shares the bright triple star Alpheratz, and containing a spiral galaxy. [1/2 definitions]
barber pole a pole or cylinder with red and white spiral stripes, by which barbers indicate the location of their shops.
barrel roll a maneuver in which an aircraft completes one spiral revolution around its lengthwise axis, without changing direction of flight.
bongo1 an African antelope that is reddish brown with white stripes and has spiral-shaped horns.
chalaza one of two spiral strands of albumen that connect the yolk of an egg to the shell membrane and help keep the yolk centrally suspended.
circular moving in the form of a circle or spiral. [1/5 definitions]
cochlea a spiral tube in the inner ear of most mammals, containing the endings of nerves that register sound in the brain.
cochleate shaped or twisted in a spiral, like a snail shell.
coil1 to wind into loops or a spiral. [5/8 definitions]
conch a sea animal with a soft body and a large, spiral shell. Conches are carnivorous mollusks that eat smaller mollusks such as clams. Several kinds of conches live in warm parts of the ocean all around the world. Conches are closely related to snails. [1/2 definitions]
corkscrew a tool shaped like a spiral that is used to remove corks from bottles. [2 definitions]
cruller a sweet cake made from deep-fried dough, usu. shaped into a ring or twisted into a spiral.
curl to take on the shape of a coil, spiral, or ring. [2/8 definitions]
cyclotron a device for accelerating charged particles to very high energies in a spiral path using a fixed magnetic field and an alternating electric field.
dextral rising to an apex in a counterclockwise spiral, said esp. of the shells of most gastropods. [1/3 definitions]
dextrorse growing upward in a spiral from left to right, as many climbing plants. (Cf. sinistrorse.)
eland either of two large African antelopes with long horns that are twisted in a spiral.
gimlet a tool used to make holes, consisting of a shaft with a sharp, spiral tip attached to a handle at a right angle. [1/3 definitions]
grease pencil a pencil made of compressed grease mixed with pigment, usu. wrapped in paper that unwinds in a spiral to expose the tip, used esp. to write on slick surfaces.
gyrate to move or revolve on or around a fixed point or axis, or in a circle or spiral; rotate; spin.
gyre a ring, circle, or spiral. [2 definitions]