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ad-lib to make up or do without preparation; improvise (something spoken, sung, or played). [2/3 definitions]
Aleut either of two languages related to Eskimo and spoken by such natives. [1/2 definitions]
Algonquian a family of North American Indian languages spoken by tribes from Labrador to the Carolinas and from the Atlantic coast to the Rocky Mountains. [1/3 definitions]
Algonquin the language spoken by these tribes, or the family of languages of which it is a part; Algonquian. [1/3 definitions]
American the English language as it is spoken and written in the United States. [1/5 definitions]
American English the English language as spoken and written in the United States.
announcement a spoken commercial advertisement or other message, esp. on radio or television. [1/3 definitions]
aphasia partial or total loss of the ability to use or to understand spoken or written language, usu. as a result of damage to the brain.
Apostles' Creed a profession of faith in Christianity that is popularly attributed to Jesus Christ's apostles and often spoken as part of some worship services.
Arabic any of the Semitic languages spoken by Arabs. [1/3 definitions]
articulate spoken in clear and distinct words or syllables, or having a tendency to speak clearly and distinctly. [1/10 definitions]
Athabaskan a group of American Indian languages spoken by western tribes from Alaska and northwest Canada down through the coastal regions of Oregon and California. [1/3 definitions]
Athapaskan variant of Athabaskan.
Austronesian a family of languages spoken over a vast area from the Indian Ocean to New Zealand and Hawaii. [1/3 definitions]
babble spoken words that cannot be heard or understood clearly. [1/5 definitions]
Bantu the group of hundreds of languages spoken by these peoples, such as Zulu. [1/2 definitions]
barrio a section of a U.S. city where Spanish is chiefly spoken. [1/2 definitions]
Basque the language spoken by this people, which has no known relationship to other languages. [1/3 definitions]
bêche-de-mer a pidgin English that is spoken in the islands of the southwest Pacific. [1/2 definitions]
Bengali a language spoken mainly in eastern India and Bangladesh.
Berber a group of languages spoken by many people in northern Africa, especially in the countries of Morocco and Algeria.