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aerosol a liquid that is in a container under pressure and comes out in a fine spray. [1/2 definitions]
airbrush an atomizer used to apply liquid, usu. paint, in a fine spray.
air gun a device that uses compressed air to blow or spray substances such as insecticides. [1/2 definitions]
atomize to divide into small particles or spray. [1/3 definitions]
atomizer a device that converts a liquid, esp. a medicine or perfume, into a spray.
bombardier beetle any of several beetles that spray an acrid, irritating fluid from the abdomen as a method of self-defense.
defoliant a chemical spray or dust that causes plants' leaves to drop off.
defoliate to cause the leaves of (trees or the like) to drop off, esp. by using a chemical spray or dust, usu. so as to render a forested area unusable by military opponents. [1/4 definitions]
fixative something that functions to make stable or permanent, esp. a spray used to protect art works or a solution to preserve biological material for examination. [1/2 definitions]
fog a gaseous medium in which liquid particles are suspended, such as the spray or foam in some fire extinguishers. [1/8 definitions]
fountain a spray of water made by a machine, or the structure from which the water flows.
hair spray a liquid fixative applied to the hair from a spray can.
hose (usually followed by down) to water, spray, soak, or wash with a hose. [1/3 definitions]
irrigate to wash out or spray during a medical or dental procedure. [1/2 definitions]
Mace trademark for a chemical spray used to temporarily stun an attacker or control a large mob of people. [2 definitions]
nebulize to convert (liquid) to a fine spray.
nozzle a narrow spout fitted to the end of a hose or pipe. A nozzle is used to control the flow or spray of a liquid or gas.
rinse to dip or spray with water in order to remove soap or superficial dirt or food. [1/5 definitions]
shower1 to wet or spray with a shower of rain or water. [1/8 definitions]
skunk a small mammal with black and white fur and a bushy tail. Skunks defend themselves with a spray that smells very bad. They are active at night, when they hunt rodents, insects, and eggs. Several kinds of skunks live in North and South America. They are related to badgers, otters, and other kinds of weasels. [1/2 definitions]
spindrift spray blown from waves by the wind.