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Arbor Day in the United States, a spring day set aside for the planting of trees in the community.
bloodroot a North American spring wildflower that bears a single white flower and has a fleshy red root that yields a toxic red sap.
bolt1 to jump or spring up, as with surprise. [1/14 definitions]
Boötes a spring constellation in the northern sky, located between Corona Borealis and Virgo and containing the bright, orange star Arcturus; Herdsman.
bounce to spring back or up after hitting against a surface. [4/2 definitions]
bound2 to leap; spring. [1/2 definitions]
bridal wreath any of several spirea shrubs that bear sprays of small, white flowers in the spring.
cancer (cap.) a spring zodiacal constellation located between Gemini and Leo; Crab. [1/5 definitions]
catapult to spring up or forward as though thrown by a catapult; leap. [1/4 definitions]
chalybeate tasting of iron, as spring water. [1/3 definitions]
click beetle any of several related beetles that are able to spring into an upright position from being on their backs, and that make a clicking sound when so springing.
clipboard a small board with a spring clip at the top for holding papers, used as a portable writing surface.
collet a metal ring or rim that holds a jewel or watch spring. [1/2 definitions]
Corona Borealis a spring constellation in the northern sky, located between Hercules and Boötes; Northern Crown.
crocus a small plant that blooms in early spring with one colorful flower.
curvet an advanced dressage figure in which a horse must rear and then spring forward onto its forelegs with the hind legs fully outstretched. [1/2 definitions]
daffodil a plant with tall stems and bright yellow or white flowers shaped like bells. Daffodils grow from bulbs and appear in the spring.
dart to move swiftly; spring; dash. [1/6 definitions]
daylight-saving time standard time that has been advanced by one hour in a given time zone, usu. in the spring and lasting into the fall, in order to provide one more hour of daylight at the end of each day.
DST abbreviation of "daylight saving time," standard time that has been advanced by one hour in a given time zone, usu. in the spring and lasting into the fall, in order to provide one more hour of daylight at the end of each day.
Easter a Christian holiday to celebrate that Jesus Christ returned to life after he died. Easter is held every spring on the Sunday after the first full moon between March 21 and April 25.