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acorn squash a variety of winter squash with a ridged acorn shape and dark green skin.
butternut squash a yellow, bell-shaped winter squash.
cocozelle a summer squash that resembles zucchini.
crookneck any of several varieties of squash that have one tapered, curved end.
gourd the rounded fruit of a plant related to the squash. Certain kinds of gourds are dried and then used to make containers or decorations.
Hubbard squash a winter squash that has a yellow or green rind and yellow flesh.
paddle tennis a modified form of tennis, handball, and squash played on an outdoor court with wooden paddles and a rubber ball.
pattypan a round flattish type of summer squash that has a scalloped edge.
spaghetti squash a large roundish squash, the flesh of which is a mass of long thin strands.
squash1 a racket sport for two or four players. Squash is played in a court with four walls. [1/4 definitions]
squash2 a fruit from a plant that grows close to the ground. Squash is not a sweet fruit, and people eat it as a vegetable. It grows in many sizes, colors, and shapes. Pumpkins are a kind of squash.
squelch to crush or squash, by or as if by stepping on. [1/7 definitions]
summer squash any of various kinds of squash, esp. a yellow variety, that must be eaten soon after harvest.
winter squash any of several varieties of squash with thick hard rinds that can be stored for long periods.
zucchini a type of summer squash that is shaped like a cucumber and has a smooth, dark green skin.