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anchor something that keeps something else stable or in place. [1/4 definitions]
ballast heavy material placed in a boat or ship to make it more stable. [2 definitions]
bromic acid a poisonous acid that is stable only in very dilute form and is used as an oxidizing agent.
consolidate to strengthen or secure; make solid or stable. [1/3 definitions]
crèche a model of Jesus Christ's nativity in the Bethlehem stable, exhibited esp. at Christmas. [1/3 definitions]
crisis a situation that is not stable or certain, usually causing a great deal of stress and anxiety. [1/2 definitions]
deconstruction a literary criticism philosophy, introduced in the 1960s, asserting that because words are defined using other words, the meaning of text has no stable reference and therefore cannot have a fixed meaning. [1/2 definitions]
equable not varying extremely or suddenly; uniform; stable. [2 definitions]
est.1 abbreviation of "established," found or brought into being on a firm or stable basis.
establish to found or bring into being on a firm or stable basis. [1/3 definitions]
fix to make stable or steady; fasten firmly; attach. [1/7 definitions]
fixate to make stable or stationary; fix. [1/5 definitions]
fixative acting to make stable or permanent. [2 definitions]
fixed made stable; constant. [1/5 definitions]
fixity the state or nature of that which is stable or immovable. [2 definitions]
fluid not stable; changeable. [1/5 definitions]
groom a person whose job is to take care of horses or a stable. [1/4 definitions]
gyrocompass a navigational device with a gyroscope rotor that maintains a stable orientation toward true north.
gyroscope a device with a rotating wheel or disk, mounted on an axis that can turn freely in various or all directions, so that the wheel or disk can maintain a stable orientation in space despite any movement in its supports or surrounding parts.
hayloft the upper part of a barn or stable, used for storing hay.
hibernation in computing, a mode of partial deactivation for an idle computer that saves power and allows a quick restart by storing the contents of RAM in a stable location before turning the machine off. [1/3 definitions]