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Dictionary Suite
cock3 a cone-shaped stack of hay, straw, or the like. [2 definitions]
collate to stack the pages in the correct order.
cord to stack (fuel wood) in cords. [1/8 definitions]
forklift to lift, transport, or stack (cargo) using a forklift. [1/2 definitions]
haystack a large stack of hay formed for outdoor storage.
pile1 a number of things on top of each other; heap; stack. [2/6 definitions]
pyre a stack of material, esp. wood, used for burning a dead body.
record changer a mechanical device on a record turntable that holds a stack of records and allows them to play one at a time; changer.
restack combined form of stack.
rick a large, outdoor pile or stack of hay, straw, or the like, esp. when thatched or covered with a tarp. [2 definitions]
stack to put, store, or arrange in a stack or stacks. [2/5 definitions]
stackable combined form of stack.
woodpile a stack of wood, esp. firewood.