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Dictionary Suite
bulkhead an inclined, horizontal structure over the stairway to a cellar. [1/3 definitions]
companionway a stairway or ladder leading from one deck of a ship to another.
escalator a moving stairway that operates on a belt mechanism to carry people between floors, as of a department store, airport, or train station.
fire escape a fireproof stairway, ladder, or the like, usu. on the outside of a building, used as an emergency exit in case of fire.
handrail a narrow rail for support or protection, to be gripped by the hand, as on a stairway.
newel a post that supports a handrail at the bottom or a landing of a stairway; newel post. [1/2 definitions]
night-light a small dim light kept on all night, as near a stairway or in a child's bedroom.