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auto-da-fé the public execution of such sentences, esp. the burning of heretics at the stake. [1/2 definitions]
bet the amount of money or the item at stake when betting. [1/4 definitions]
horseshoe (plural but used with a singular verb) a game in which players toss horseshoes at a stake some distance away. [1/2 definitions]
picket a pointed stake, post, or peg fixed into the ground, usu. used to make a fence or hold something in place. [1/5 definitions]
pledge to give as security for an obligation or place at risk on a particular outcome; stake. [1/10 definitions]
pole bean any vinelike variety of bean that can twine upward around a pole, stake, trellis, or the like. (Cf. bush bean.)
post1 a pole or stake placed upright in the ground to mark or support something. [1/3 definitions]
quoit (pl., used with a sing. verb) a game in which players try to toss metal or rope rings over or near a distant short metal stake. [1/2 definitions]
ringer1 a person or thing that surrounds, esp. a horseshoe tossed over a stake in an outdoor game.
spile a heavy wooden stake or timber driven upright into the ground, used esp. in foundations. [1/4 definitions]
stake1 to tie to or lean against a stake in order to give support. [2/4 definitions]