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mold2 a surface growth of fungus, often fuzzy or downy, that forms on stale, damp, or decaying matter. [1/4 definitions]
moldy stale or musty, because of decay, age, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
musty having a taste or smell of mold; damp or stale.
penicillium any of various blue-green molds found on stale bread, decaying fruit, and the like that are used in the making of cheese and the production of penicillin.
rancid having an unpleasant odor or taste because of the spoilage of fats or oils; stale. [1/2 definitions]
shopworn uninteresting or stale from having been used or said frequently, as ideas, stories, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
stale to make stale. [2/5 definitions]
stuffy having insufficient or stale air, as a room. [1/3 definitions]
sweet not spoiled or stale; fresh. [1/14 definitions]
tired not new, energetic, or original; overused; stale. [1/3 definitions]
trite ineffective or stale because of frequent repetition; commonplace; hackneyed.
well-worn stale, often repeated, and sometimes trite. [1/2 definitions]