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Alaska Standard Time the standard time used in most of Alaska, nine hours behind Greenwich time.
Atlantic Standard Time the standard time used in the western Atlantic and the easternmost parts of Canada, four hours behind Greenwich time.
Central Standard Time the standard time used in the central region of the United States, six hours behind Greenwich time.
CST abbreviation of "Central Standard Time," the standard time used in the central region of the United States, six hours behind Greenwich time.
daylight-saving time standard time that has been advanced by one hour in a given time zone, usu. in the spring and lasting into the fall, in order to provide one more hour of daylight at the end of each day.
DST abbreviation of "daylight saving time," standard time that has been advanced by one hour in a given time zone, usu. in the spring and lasting into the fall, in order to provide one more hour of daylight at the end of each day.
Eastern Standard Time the standard time used in the eastern region of the United States, five hours behind Greenwich time.
EST abbreviation of "Eastern Standard Time," the standard time used in the eastern region of the United States, five hours behind Greenwich time.
Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time the standard time used in Hawaii and the Aleutian Islands, ten hours behind Greenwich time.
HST abbreviation of "Hawaiian-Aleution Standard Time," the standard time used in Hawaii and the Aleutian Islands, ten hours behind Greenwich time.
Mountain Standard Time the standard time used in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States, seven hours behind Greenwich time.
MST abbreviation of "Mountain Standard Time," the standard time used in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States, seven hours behind Greenwich time.
Pacific Standard Time the standard time used in the Pacific Coast region of the United States, eight hours behind Greenwich time.
PST abbreviation of "Pacific Standard Time," the standard time used in the Pacific Coast region of the United States, eight hours behind Greenwich time.
put back to change the time of (a clock or watch) so that it displays an earlier time, esp. to reflect the hour gained when switching from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time. [1/4 definitions]
Samoa Standard Time the standard time used in the time zone of the Pacific that includes Samoa, eleven hours behind Greenwich time.
slow time (informal) standard time, as opposed to daylight saving time.
time zone any of twenty-four longitudinal divisions of the earth that are roughly defined by their distances from the prime meridian, and each of which keeps a standard time one hour earlier than does the zone to its east.