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Dictionary Suite
antistatic minimizing buildup of static electricity by retaining moisture.
atmospherics (used with a sing. verb) static in radio reception caused by atmospheric electrical activity. [2 definitions]
electrophorus an apparatus used to create static electricity by induction.
electrostatic of, pertaining to, or caused by static electricity. [2 definitions]
hyperstatic combined form of static.
interference static that makes a radio or TV signal not clear. [1/4 definitions]
Leyden jar an early device for accumulating and holding static electricity that consists of a glass jar coated inside and out with tinfoil, with a metal rod connected to the inner foil lining and passing out of the jar through an insulated stopper or lid.
queer of or pertaining to people who are not heterosexual, or who do not define their sexuality as something static or in standard terms of "heterosexual "or "homosexual." The term can also apply to people who are not cisgender; that is, people who do not identify with the sex that was assigned to them at birth. [1/6 definitions]
static the electrical charges within an object; static electricity. [1/5 definitions]
stationary not changing in condition; static. [1/3 definitions]