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adherence steady or faithful attachment or devotion, as to a person, party, or principle; faithfulness; fidelity. [1/2 definitions]
anchor to make secure or hold steady. [1/4 definitions]
balance the state of being steady in body or mind. [2/4 definitions]
blue-chip denoting common stock that commands a high price because of its record of steady earnings. [1/2 definitions]
brace to support, hold steady, or provide strength with or as if with a brace. [2/7 definitions]
build a steady increase, as in volume or intensity. [1/8 definitions]
chock to furnish or hold steady with a chock or chocks. [1/3 definitions]
chug a short, steady sound. [1/2 definitions]
coulomb a unit of electrical charge equal to the charge of 6.28 times 1018 electrons or the charge transferred in one second by a steady current of one ampere.
Crock-Pot trademark for an electric slow cooker that maintains a steady low temperature.
cruise control a control mechanism in automobiles which keeps the vehicle traveling at a steady speed that is set by the driver.
dabble to work at something in a way that is not serious or steady. [1/2 definitions]
dial tone the steady sound in a telephone that shows the line is open. When you hear the dial tone, you can enter the number of the person you want to call.
din a loud, steady noise. [1/2 definitions]
disco a style of popular dance music with a heavy, steady beat. [1/2 definitions]
dogtrot a slow, steady trot like that of a dog.
drizzle a light, steady rain. [1/2 definitions]
drone2 to make a low, steady hum. [2/3 definitions]
even steady; calm. [1/12 definitions]
falter to move, speak, or act in a way that is not sure or not steady; stumble. [1/2 definitions]
firm1 not likely to be changed; steady. [1/2 definitions]