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autoclave a container made to hold superheated steam under pressure, used for sterilizing medical instruments or the like or for cooking. [1/2 definitions]
boiler a sealed container or system of containers that when used with a source of heat generates steam for heat or power. [1/3 definitions]
bucket the part of a steam shovel or other machine that is used to scoop up and transport material. [1/5 definitions]
calliope a large organlike musical instrument with a set of loud steam whistles that are activated by a keyboard. [1/2 definitions]
chuff a chugging or puffing sound, as of a steam engine. [1/2 definitions]
cloud to become filled or covered by clouds, steam, or the like (often fol. by "up"). [1/8 definitions]
double boiler a pot consisting of a lower part, in which water is boiled to create steam, and an upper part that fits snugly into the top of the lower, in which food can be cooked, warmed, or melted slowly.
espresso a strong coffee made by forcing pressurized steam through dark-roasted, finely ground coffee beans.
exhaust the part of an engine through which gas or steam pass out. [1/4 definitions]
external-combustion engine an engine in which the combustion of fuel occurs outside the cylinder or turbine, as in a steam engine.
flue a hollow pipe inside a chimney that lets hot or cold air, smoke, or steam escape to the outside.
geyser a spring that shoots a stream of hot water, steam, or mud into the air from time to time.
James Watt a Scottish engineer and inventor of the steam engine (b.1736--d.1819).
low-pressure having, exerting, or indicating less than normal pressure, as steam or water. [1/3 definitions]
petcock a small valve or faucet used to drain from or lower the pressure in a pipe, boiler, steam engine, or the like.
port3 an opening through which steam, air, or the like can pass in or out of machinery. [1/3 definitions]
pressure cooker a heavy, airtight metal pot in which steam under pressure cooks food quickly and at a very high temperature. [1/2 definitions]
puff a short, strong burst of breath, air, smoke, or steam. [1/8 definitions]
radiator a device in a building that uses steam or hot water passing through pipes in order to heat a room. [1/2 definitions]
Rankine-cycle engine a type of steam engine in which the water that is evaporated into steam is condensed and recycled, developed experimentally as a pollution-reducing alternative to the internal combustion engine.
safety valve a valve that opens automatically to reduce the pressure of confined gas or steam when a dangerously high level is reached. [1/2 definitions]