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Dictionary Suite
beef meat from a cow or steer. [1/2 definitions]
bullock a bull that has been gelded; steer. [1/2 definitions]
helm to steer or guide. [1/3 definitions]
horsewhip a whip used to guide, steer, drive, or control a horse. [1/2 definitions]
jibe1 to steer a sailing vessel so that a sail moves in such a way. [1/4 definitions]
oar a long pole that is wide and flat at one end. Oars are used to row or steer a boat.
pilot to operate an airplane or steer a ship. [1/2 definitions]
tiller2 a handle that is attached to a rudder and used to steer a boat.
toboggan a long, narrow, wooden sled that curves up in front. Toboggans have no blades underneath and are difficult to steer. [1/2 definitions]