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Dictionary Suite
American Beauty a type of hybrid rose that bears long-stemmed red flowers.
cactus a leafless, fleshy-stemmed, often prickly plant that grows in hot, dry regions of America.
calumet a long-stemmed, decorated tobacco pipe used by North American Indians in ceremonies, esp. promoting peace and friendship; peace pipe.
cane the stalk of a large, hard-stemmed grass, such as bamboo, or the plant itself. [1/7 definitions]
churchwarden a long-stemmed smoking pipe made of clay. [1/3 definitions]
herbage green, soft-stemmed vegetation, esp. as used for grazing. [1/2 definitions]
moss any of numerous small, leafy-stemmed, flowerless green plants that grow in mats on rocks, trees, and moist ground. [1/3 definitions]
multistemmed combined form of stemmed.
violet any of various stemless or leafy stemmed herbs bearing white, blue, yellow, or purple flowers. [1/3 definitions]