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abaft in nautical terminology, toward the stern from; behind. [2 definitions]
aftermost nearest the back or stern, as on a ship; farthest aft.
astringent stern, harsh, or severe. [1/4 definitions]
austere being or looking very stern and serious. [1/2 definitions]
austerity the condition or quality of being very stern and serious.
backstay a rope that extends from the mast to the stern or side of a vessel to help support the mast.
cockpit a low, open area near the stern of a boat with space for the person steering, the crew, and passengers. [1/2 definitions]
dhow a vessel having a lateen sail or sails, sometimes having a raised deck at the stern, used primarily by Arabs along the coast of the Indian Ocean.
dour harsh, stern, or severe. [1/3 definitions]
escutcheon a plate on the stern of a vessel which shows its name. [1/3 definitions]
fantail the projecting, curved stern of a ship. [1/3 definitions]
flinty hard and inflexible; stern; unyielding. [1/2 definitions]
fore-and-aft located along or parallel to a line from the bow to the stern of a ship or boat; lengthwise. [1/2 definitions]
gondola a long, narrow boat with a flat bottom and high curved ends, propelled by a person standing at the stern using a long pole. Gondolas are used for carrying passengers on the canals of Venice, Italy. [1/2 definitions]
gondolier the boatman who controls a gondola, usu. with an oar or pole at the stern.
grim stern or harsh. [1/3 definitions]
iron stern or cruel; hard. [1/9 definitions]
ironbound as though bound with iron; stern or rigid. [1/2 definitions]
jiggermast the short mast in the stern of a ketch or yawl; mizzenmast. [2 definitions]
johnboat a flat-bottomed boat with a square bow and stern, used on inland waters.
jolly boat a small boat usu. carried on the stern of a sailing vessel.