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bouillabaisse a stew containing a variety of fish and shellfish, often cooked with saffron.
bourride (French) a stew from the south of France made with fish, vegetables, and white wine, flavored and thickened with mayonnaise containing crushed garlic, and served over bread.
gumbo a stew or soup thickened with okra. [1/3 definitions]
haricot a highly seasoned stew made of mutton or lamb and vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, and lima beans. [1/2 definitions]
hasenpfeffer a peppery stew of marinated rabbit.
Irish stew a stew of meat such as mutton or beef, with potatoes, onions, and a thick, brown gravy.
jug to stew in an earthenware vessel. [1/6 definitions]
mulligan stew a stew made of odd bits of meat and vegetables.
olla a spicy stew of meat and vegetables. [1/2 definitions]
oxtail the tail of an ox, esp. when skinned and used as the main ingredient in soup or stew.
pepper pot a West Indian stew made of meat or fish and vegetables, and flavored with cassava juice, red pepper, and other seasonings. [1/2 definitions]
ragout a strongly seasoned stew of French origin. [1/2 definitions]
ratatouille a vegetable stew made with eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, green peppers, onions, and garlic, and served hot or cold.
slumgullion (informal) a thin stew, usu. made with meat and vegetables.
sobaheg in Wampanoag language and culture, a stew, often made with beans, corn, and meat.
stewpan a pan in which to stew food.
tablespoon a large spoon used for serving or eating soup or stew. [1/2 definitions]