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Dictionary Suite
airless lacking moving air; windless; still. [1/2 definitions]
at least used to name one good thing that still exists in a bad situation. [1/2 definitions]
axolotl any of various salamanders esp. of the southwestern United States and Mexico that mature sexually and breed while in the larval stage, still having gills.
balance an amount of money that remains in an account that can be used or must still be paid. [1/4 definitions]
beta a version of software that is still undergoing development and testing, which in turn is facilitated by feedback from users. [1/3 definitions]
bigamy in law, the crime of marrying one person while still married to another.
calm not moving; still. [1/2 definitions]
cherrystone the edible quahog clam when it is partly grown and still fairly small.
close-up a picture taken very close to someone or something to show details. Close-ups are taken in still photographs and films for television and movies.
compact1 shortened, but still containing what is most important. [1/6 definitions]
conjunctive in grammar, of or denoting a conjunction or other word or phrase that connects words, phrases, clauses, or larger units of discourse or meaning, such as "still" and "in addition". [1/4 definitions]
continuing still going on or happening; not over.
critical of the nature of a crisis; being at the very highest point of danger but still allowing the possibility of a positive outcome. [1/6 definitions]
dead letter any law, rule, or the like that is still on the books but is no longer enforced. [1/2 definitions]
dead weight (informal) one that is unproductive or gives no advantage, yet still requires resources to support. [1/3 definitions]
demolition derby a series of sporting contests in which old automobiles are repeatedly crashed into each other until only one can still move.
extant still in existence; current; not extinct, destroyed, or lost.
fawn1 a young deer, especially one that is still drinking its mother's milk.
filmstrip a strip of developed film containing a series of still photographs designed to be projected on a screen.
freeze to suddenly stop moving or become still. [1/6 definitions]
freeze frame a technique in which a single frame of film is repeated a number of times to create the illusion that the action has been stopped or frozen, as to resemble a still photograph.