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afterimage a sensory impression, usu. visual, that continues after the stimulus causing it has ceased.
chemoreception the response of a sense organ or nerve ending to a chemical stimulus.
conditioned response a response elicited by repeated presentation of a stimulus not normally connected with the response together with one that is, leading the subject eventually to respond to the first stimulus when it is presented alone.
consensual in physiology, denoting an involuntary response on one side of the body to a stimulus applied to the other side. [1/2 definitions]
diatropism the tendency of some plant organs to assume a position at a right angle to the direction of an external stimulus.
fillip anything that incites to action or increases interest; stimulus. [1/5 definitions]
goad something that spurs a person to action; stimulus. [1/4 definitions]
hair-trigger responding quickly to the slightest stimulus; easily activated.
interstimulus combined form of stimulus.
irritability in a tissue, physical responsiveness to an external stimulus, as by swelling, shrinking, or itching. [1/2 definitions]
irritant that which irritates, esp. a physical stimulus that sets off a characteristic function or response. [1/2 definitions]
modulus a quantity representing the physical response of a material to an external stimulus, esp. mechanical stress. [1/2 definitions]
operant in psychology, of or pertaining to a response identifiable by its consequences rather than its specific stimulus. [1/4 definitions]
poststimulus combined form of stimulus.
prod something that acts to incite or goad; stimulus. [1/4 definitions]
react to act in response to a stimulus or influence (often fol. by "to"). [1/4 definitions]
reaction a response to an influence or stimulus. [1/6 definitions]
reaction time the interval of time between a stimulus and a response.
reactive characterized by reaction or response to a stimulus; tending to react.
reflex a response or reaction of the body that is not chosen or controlled by conscious thought. A reflex occurs when the nervous system reacts to a stimulus. [1/3 definitions]
resonance in physics, the producing of a frequency vibration in response to an external stimulus of that frequency. [1/5 definitions]