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bite to cause to sting or smart. [1/10 definitions]
bug bite (informal) the bite or sting of an insect or the resulting wound or swelling.
burn to sting or hurt sharply. [1/8 definitions]
cow killer a large antlike wasp, the female of which has a powerful sting, found in the southern and eastern United States.
fire ant any of various ants that can inflict a burning sting, found esp. in South America and the southern United States.
gnat any of numerous very small flying insects, some of which bite or sting.
nettle a plant whose leaves and stems are covered with hairs that sting the skin when touched.
nip1 to cause to sting sharply with cold. [1/6 definitions]
prick the painful sting of guilt, shame, sorrow, or the like. [1/7 definitions]
stingless combined form of sting.
stung past tense and past participle of sting.
venomous producing a fluid, called venom, that is a poison to humans and animals. A venomous animal, such as a venomous snake or scorpion, produces venom that the animal can put into another animal or human with its bite or sting.
wasp an insect that has two pairs of wings and a slender body with a very narrow waist. Some wasps can give a painful sting.