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cheap not willing to spend much money; stingy. [1/4 definitions]
cheapskate (informal) one who is stingy; miser.
cheeseparing meanly or foolishly frugal; stingy. [1/3 definitions]
churl a stingy person; miser. [1/3 definitions]
churlish stingy; miserly. [1/3 definitions]
close-fisted not generous, esp. with money; stingy; miserly.
hard-fisted unrelentingly stingy; tight-fisted. [1/2 definitions]
miser a greedy, stingy person who lives in a poor way in order to save money.
miserly of, like, or characteristic of a miser; penurious or stingy.
niggard a very stingy person; miser. [2 definitions]
niggardly unwilling to spend, give, or share; miserly; stingy. [1/2 definitions]
parsimonious excessively frugal; stingy.
penny pincher a miserly, stingy person.
penurious very miserly or stingy. [1/3 definitions]
picayune small-minded; petty; stingy. [1/4 definitions]
piker (informal) a person who is exceptionally careful with money or who does things in a stingy or small way; cheapskate.
pinch pennies to be stingy or very careful with money.
skimp to be stingy or very sparing. [2 definitions]
skimpy too economical; stingy. [1/2 definitions]
skinflint a stingy person; miser.
tight (informal) reluctant to spend or share; stingy. [1/10 definitions]