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agitate to try to stir up public support (often followed by "for" or "against"). [1/3 definitions]
arouse to awaken (someone) from sleep. [2 definitions]
beat to stir rapidly. [1/9 definitions]
bestir to stir or rouse (usu. oneself) to action.
challenge to stir up or make more active; stimulate. [1/6 definitions]
churn to move or stir powerfully. [2/4 definitions]
decant to pour (wine or other liquid) carefully, so as not to stir up sediment. [1/2 definitions]
emotional able to stir emotions. [1/3 definitions]
excite to stir up the feelings of; arouse.
fan1 to stir or move with or as with a fan. [1/3 definitions]
ignite to stir up the emotions of; excite. [1/5 definitions]
inflame to stir up or intensify. [1/3 definitions]
muddle to stir up (a drink, muddy water, or the like). [1/6 definitions]
muddler a small stick, usu. plastic, used to stir mixed drinks; swizzle stick. [1/2 definitions]
poke to use a poker to stir up (a fire). [1/12 definitions]
provoke to stir up; excite. [1/3 definitions]
rabble2 a tool or device used in a furnace to stir or mix molten metals or to skim off impurities. [2 definitions]
raise to stir up. [1/8 definitions]
rake1 to stir up or spread (coals of a fire or the like). [1/12 definitions]
rile to stir up and make (water or the like) cloudy or muddy; roil. [1/2 definitions]
rouse to stir up the feelings of; excite. [1/3 definitions]