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bear2 one who believes that prices will fall in a particular market such as the stock market, esp. one who sells on the basis of this expectation. (Cf. bull1.) [2/5 definitions]
bearish of or pertaining to a real or expected decline in the stock market or in the economy. [1/2 definitions]
bull1 one who believes that prices will rise in a particular market such as the stock market, esp. one who buys on the basis of this expectation. (Cf. bear2.) [1/9 definitions]
bullish of, concerning, or characteristic of a booming economy or stock market or a person who expects it to be so. [1/3 definitions]
market a place where stocks are bought and sold, or the activity itself; stock market. [1/6 definitions]
panic in financial affairs, a wave of fear and the widespread selling or buying in the stock market that it provokes. [1/6 definitions]
pyramid in the stock market, the operations involved in successively purchasing new stock using profits not yet realized from other stock. [1/10 definitions]
ticker a telegraphic receiver that automatically prints stock market quotations and reports on paper tape. [1/4 definitions]
wire service a business that transmits news stories, photographs, features, stock market prices, and the like, by electronic means to newspapers and radio and television that subscribe for the service.