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booty1 riches or goods stolen or taken from people in war; loot [1/2 definitions]
chop shop (informal) a garage or similar place in which stolen automobiles are dismantled and the parts sold or used as spare parts.
fence one who buys and resells stolen goods. [1/5 definitions]
hoard a collection or supply of something that is hidden, stored, or guarded, as for use at a later time or to keep it from being stolen; cache. [1/3 definitions]
petty larceny theft in which the value of the goods stolen does not exceed a relatively low amount determined by law. (Cf. grand larceny.)
plunder stolen goods. [1/2 definitions]
recoup to regain, or recover an equivalent in value of, (something lost, stolen, or damaged). [1/2 definitions]
recovery the act of getting back something that had been lost or stolen. [1/3 definitions]
restore to give back (that which has been lost, removed, or stolen). [1/5 definitions]
reward a sum of money or something else of value that is promised to someone for the capture of criminals, return of stolen property, or other service. [1/4 definitions]
safe free of the risk of being lost or stolen. [1/9 definitions]
swag (slang) stolen goods or money; loot. [1/4 definitions]