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adamant a legendary stone of great hardness. [1/3 definitions]
aerolite a meteorite of stone rather than iron.
agate a playing marble that is made of or looks like this stone. [1/2 definitions]
alabaster a hard, white stone that is often translucent. Alabaster is often carved to make statues and ornaments. [1/2 definitions]
arch1 a curved structure made out of stone or brick and used to span an open space such as a door. [1/4 definitions]
ark in the Bible, a chest carried by the ancient Hebrews. The ark contained the two stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written. [1/2 definitions]
ark of the covenant according to the Old Testament, the sacred chest in which the ancient Hebrews carried the two stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments.
ashlar a squared block of stone. [1/3 definitions]
baldachin in architecture, a permanent canopy, as of stone, over an altar or other structure. [1/3 definitions]
beam a long, heavy timber or piece of metal or stone used as a major support in a building. [1/8 definitions]
Blarney stone a stone in Blarney Castle in Ireland, reputed to give the gift of blarney to those who kiss it.
block a piece of wood, stone, or the like to be used for engraving. [1/19 definitions]
bombard a primitive stone-throwing device, the precursor of the modern cannon. [1/4 definitions]
Bronze Age the stage or level of development of human culture that followed the Stone Age and was characterized by the use of bronze tools and weapons; about 3,500 B.C. to 1,000 B.C.
brownstone a dark reddish brown stone used as a building material. [2 definitions]
burin a pointed tool with a round handle, used for engraving metal or carving stone.
calculus an abnormal stonelike accumulation of mineral salts in an organ of the body, such as a kidney stone. [1/2 definitions]
cameo a stone carved so as to leave a slightly raised image of one color and a background of another, often worn as jewelry. [1/2 definitions]
capstone the topmost or finishing stone of a structure. [1/2 definitions]
carving the work or result of cutting and shaping wood, stone, or other material.
chalk a type of soft, white stone. Chalk is made into long thin shapes used for writing or drawing.