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bung a cork or other stopper used to close the hole in a barrel or cask. [1/3 definitions]
cork a bottle stopper or other object made of this bark. [1/4 definitions]
cruet a small glass bottle, usu. having a stopper, made to hold condiments such as vinegar at the table.
decanter a pretty glass bottle with a stopper. A decanter is usually used to serve wine or liquor.
flask a rounded or cone-shaped bottle with a narrow neck that sometimes widens at the top, often with a fitted top or stopper. [1/2 definitions]
jug a fairly large, usu. earthenware, glass, or plastic container for liquid that has a handle and a narrow neck often closed by a stopper. [1/6 definitions]
Leyden jar an early device for accumulating and holding static electricity that consists of a glass jar coated inside and out with tinfoil, with a metal rod connected to the inner foil lining and passing out of the jar through an insulated stopper or lid.
spill2 a small peg or pin used as a stopper. [1/2 definitions]
stop a device for plugging up or closing an opening; stopper. [1/18 definitions]
stopper to block or plug with a stopper. [1/2 definitions]
stopple a stopper or plug, as for a bottle. [1/2 definitions]
tampion a stopper or cover put over the barrel of a gun or cannon to keep it dry and clean when not in use.
unstop to take the stopper out of (a bottle or the like). [1/2 definitions]