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Dictionary Suite
account a story or report. [1/6 definitions]
action-adventure a genre of films, video games, and the like having an exciting undertaking involving risk and danger as its main story line, and involving one or more heroes engaged in a series of physical challenges. [1/2 definitions]
action movie a film whose story line focuses on conflict and fast-paced activity, esp. involving physical violence, feats of strength and agility, and chase scenes.
action-packed of a film, video, story, or the like, filled with scenes depicting action, danger, and exciting events.
airtime broadcast time allotted, as to an event or news story, on television or radio.
allegory a story that is written or told to represent an idea or belief. [1/2 definitions]
antagonist a character who works against the hero of a story. [1/2 definitions]
anti-hero a central character in a story, novel, or play who lacks traditional heroic qualities, such as high purpose or moral strength.
apologue a short allegorical story usu. containing a moral; fable.
author the writer of a book, play, story, or other written work.
autobiography the story of a person's life written or told by that person.
back up to return to an earlier point in one's story or account, or give explanatory background to what one is saying. [1/8 definitions]
bad guy (informal) the villain or enemy in a fictional story. [1/4 definitions]
ballad a poem or song that tells a story.
biography the written story of the facts and events of a person's life.
blow up to exaggerate, as a story. [1/6 definitions]
canard a deliberately false story or rumor, usu. defamatory to someone.
caper1 a light-hearted story or film that involves action and mystery. [1/5 definitions]
cat burglar a burglar who gains entry through upper windows, roof doors, and the like; second-story man.
character a person in a story, play, or movie. [1/3 definitions]
cock-and-bull story an improbable, absurd, or unlikely story.