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Asian flu a virulent strain of the influenza virus that probably spread from Asia; Asian influenza.
ataractic free from anxiety or other emotional strain, esp. as a result of taking a drug; calm; tranquil.
baleen the bony, flexible strips in the upper jaws of whales that feed by filtering food from ocean water. These whales use baleen to strain large amounts of small food such as shrimp from the water.
bend to impose a strain on; distort. [1/10 definitions]
breed in genetics, to fertilize or pollinate under controlled conditions in order to develop or improve a strain. [1/9 definitions]
drive to strain the endurance of. [1/18 definitions]
exert to push into effort or action; strain. [1/2 definitions]
fatigue mental or physical weariness, or the effort or strain that causes it. [1/8 definitions]
force to tax or strain. [1/14 definitions]
fray2 to wear on (nerves or emotions); chafe or strain. [1/4 definitions]
jackstay a stay that steadies a ship's mast against the strain of the gaff. [1/3 definitions]
kinesthesia the bodily sensation of position, movement, strain, or the like through stimulation of the nerves in muscles, joints, and tendons.
lug1 of an engine, to move under a strain, as in too high a gear up a hill. [1/2 definitions]
nerve-racking inflicting great strain or irritation on one's patience, courage, or the like.
neurasthenia a condition of exhaustion, confusion, and depression resulting from profound mental or emotional strain; nervous breakdown.
overtax to strain or demand of excessively; overburden. [1/2 definitions]
photoelasticity the characteristic of some transparent materials to be measured for strain by observing their double refraction of polarized light when placed under a mechanical stress.
rack1 to cause stress or strain to. [1/4 definitions]
red-eye bloodshot or irritated eyes, caused by strain, lack of sleep, illness, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
relax to release from effort or strain. [1/9 definitions]
re-strain to strain again.