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bluff2 to lead other people to believe that the cards in one's hand are better or worse than they really are. Bluffing is a strategy used in the game of poker. [1/3 definitions]
chess1 a game of strategy for two people in which each player starts with a king and queen, two each of bishops, knights, and rooks, and eight pawns and in which the object is to trap the opponent's king.
counterstrategy combined form of strategy.
diversion a maneuver that turns the attention of one's opponent away from the main point of action, as in military strategy. [1/3 definitions]
dodge a trick or strategy to avoid difficulties or deceive someone. [1/6 definitions]
escape mechanism a psychological strategy that a person uses to evade something disagreeable.
Fabian employing a cautious strategy of delay, avoidance, or harassment rather than direct confrontation. [1/2 definitions]
firebreak in military strategy, the uncertain transitional period or situation between the use of conventional and the use of nuclear weapons. [1/2 definitions]
game a strategy or plan. [1/9 definitions]
game plan a strategy or course of action planned before a game of sport, esp. football. [2 definitions]
generalship leadership or direction of a complex enterprise, esp. as manifested in skill at strategy. [1/2 definitions]
go2 a Japanese game of strategy played with counters on a segmented board.
maneuver to move to a desired position or goal using strategy or skill. [1/5 definitions]
mousetrap a device or strategy intended to entrap or deceive. [1/3 definitions]
psychology mental tactics or strategy, esp. in dealing with others. [1/3 definitions]
razzle-dazzle (informal) a flashy display used to deceive or bewilder, esp. as a strategy in football.
strategic related to or concerning strategy. [1/2 definitions]
strategist an expert in designing strategy, or a maker of strategies.
strategize to plan or discuss strategy.
waiting game a strategy in which one waits for a favorable time or situation before taking action.