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ascetic extremely strict in religious observances involving self-denial and self-mortification. [1/3 definitions]
austere strict or ascetic in manner of living. [1/3 definitions]
Calvinism practices and beliefs based on these teachings, esp. a strict, severe code of morality. [1/2 definitions]
capuchin (cap.) a Roman Catholic monk belonging to a branch of the Franciscan order whose members observe strict vows of poverty and austerity. [1/3 definitions]
Carthusian a member of a very strict, contemplative Roman Catholic monastic order founded in the eleventh century.
clampdown a strict imposition of authority, rules, limitations, or the like; prohibition or suppression.
disciplinarian one who supports and imposes strict discipline.
Dixieland an early style of small-group jazz, characterized by a strict two-beat rhythm and by improvised ensemble and solo playing. [1/2 definitions]
easy not harsh or strict. [1/4 definitions]
easygoing not demanding or strict; lenient. [1/2 definitions]
equity in law, a system supplementing the common law and serving to allow flexibility in cases where strict application of the law would result in hardship or unfairness. [1/5 definitions]
exacting strict in making demands. [1/2 definitions]
fraternity a social organization of male college students which usu. has a name composed of Greek letters, and which has a strict selection and initiation procedure. (Cf. sorority.) [1/4 definitions]
fugue a musical form or composition in which one or more themes are stated by one voice and are then restated and modified in counterpoint in strict order by several voices. [1/2 definitions]
fundamentalism (sometimes cap.) a movement within Protestant Christianity that accepts the literal truth of the Bible and encourages strict adherence to narrow moral and cultural norms.
hard asking for a great effort; strict; demanding. [1/9 definitions]
harsh severe or strict. [1/2 definitions]
Hasid a member of a Jewish sect, founded in Poland in the eighteenth century, that emphasizes strict adherence to ritual and joyful worship of God.
Hinduism the main religion of India, which has many gods that are part of the same supreme being. Hinduism has a strict system of social classes and a belief that the soul can be born again after death into a different body.
knight in medieval times, a warrior on horseback, esp. one who had served an apprenticeship and followed a strict code of conduct. [1/5 definitions]
lax not rigorous, strict, or careful; loose; lenient. [1/3 definitions]