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arrowhead the wedge-shaped barb on the striking end of an arrow. [1/3 definitions]
Aurora (l.c.) bands or streamers of light that appear in the sky at night in areas around the magnetic poles, caused by solar particles striking atoms in the outer part of the earth's atmosphere. (See aurora australis, aurora borealis.) [1/3 definitions]
beat to shape or make by striking. [1/15 definitions]
beater a person whose job it is to flush out game for hunting by striking the bushes and ground cover. [1/4 definitions]
brilliant very striking or splendid in appearance, as color or scenery. [1/5 definitions]
bull's-eye something that strikes the center of a target, such as a shot, or the act of striking the center of a target. [1/2 definitions]
chime to produce (harmonious or melodious sounds) by striking a bell or bells. [1/8 definitions]
chink2 to make or cause to make a sharp, chimelike sound, as of two pieces of metal or glass striking together. [1/2 definitions]
clack to make a short, sharp sound or sounds such as are made by striking two hard objects together. [1/8 definitions]
clap to make a sharp, short sound, as that made by two flat-surfaced objects striking together. [1/11 definitions]
clatter to make a loud rattling noise, as by striking objects together or by moving. [1/3 definitions]
clear to pass by or near (something) without striking. [1/22 definitions]
clearance the space between things that keeps them from striking against each other. [1/2 definitions]
clop a sharp, hollow striking sound, as of a horse's hoof on pavement. [1/2 definitions]
clump a heavy, dull, striking sound; thump. [1/6 definitions]
conspicuous attracting attention by exceptional or striking qualities; prominent. [1/2 definitions]
cymbal a percussion instrument that is round and made of metal. Cymbals are played by striking a pair of them together or hitting one with a drumstick or brushes.
dash a striking or splashing action. [1/12 definitions]
detent a mechanical part that temporarily stops the motion of another, such as a catch that controls a clock's striking mechanism; pawl.
dramatic striking; impressive. [1/3 definitions]
drum to play (a piece of music) by striking a drum. [2/10 definitions]