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able-bodied physically strong or fit.
acid a substance that has a sour taste and, if it is very strong, can sometimes burn a hole in something that it touches.
acrophobia a very strong fear of high places.
affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy. [1/5 definitions]
a fortiori (Latin) for a strong reason; all the more so.
alcoholism a disease caused by the habit of drinking too much alcohol. Alcoholism is characterized by a strong desire to drink alcohol, difficulties in behaving properly, and troubling effects when alcohol use is stopped.
aluminium the British spelling of "aluminum," a strong, light, silver metal that does not easily rust.
aluminum a strong, light metal with a silver color. It is used to make things such as cooking pots, car parts, and foil.
Amazon a member of a race of tall, strong, and fierce female warriors who are written about in Greek mythology. [1/2 definitions]
ambition a strong desire to reach a goal, or the goal that someone wants to reach.
ambitionless having no strong desire to set or reach goals; being without ambition.
ambitious having or showing a strong desire to reach a goal or have success in general.
ammonia a liquid with a strong smell made from a chemical gas and water. Ammonia is used in some cleaning products and in fertilizers.
anathematize to utter strong or vehement curses against (someone or something). [1/4 definitions]
anger a strong feeling caused when someone or something has done something wrong to you or when you think that something is bad or not fair. [1/2 definitions]
angostura bark the bitter, strong-smelling bark of either of two South American rue trees, used in medicine and as a flavoring in bitters.
animosity strong dislike or behavior that shows strong dislike.
antagonism a state of being enemies, or a strong feeling against someone or something.
anxious having a strong wish; eager. [1/2 definitions]
appassionata with strong emotion; impassioned (used as a musical direction).
appetite a strong desire for anything. [1/2 definitions]